
The northern side of Grand Cayman boasts some of the best dive spots in the Western Caribbean, and one of the most well- known is Babylon. It is a huge wall dive that starts at about 40 feet, and cascades down to more than 100 feet where you can find plate coral stands. There are abundant rope sponges, queen triggerfish, tarpon, Creole wrasses, angel fish, wire coral, and even black coral bushes.

Babylon is one of the most remote sites on the North Wall. It can be visited via dive boat or scuba yacht charter. Novice divers can enjoy a great dive on the sandy flats or at the nearby shallower reefs whereas regular divers can descend deeper to enjoy some truly breathtaking scenery. While enjoying your dive at the Babylon wall you can spot parrot fish, barracuda, big spotted eagle rays, hawksbill turtles and even the odd hammerhead.

Start your diving expedition on board one of our private yacht charters, and our highly experienced scuba dive instructors will help you to explore the underwater realm of Babylon. To find out more about Scuba click the link here. Contact us or email us with your queries and we will help you select the best diving charter for your next dream dive cruise!

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